Engage With County Commissioners On The Future Of Weld County’s Judicial Center
Friday Mar 7, 2025
Greeley Area Chamber of Commerce | 902 7th Ave Greeley, CO You’re Invited: Your insight matters—make sure you're in the room. Or email hello@greeleychamber.com to reserve your seat today and be part of this important conversation.Date and Time
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM MST
Join us for an exclusive conversation with our Weld County Commissioners as they discuss key development decisions that will impact our region. This town hall-style event offers a rare opportunity for business and community leaders to engage directly with decision-makers on the future of Weld County’s Judicial Center.
Presented in partnership with the Greeley Downtown Development Authority (DDA), this event invites open dialogue, thoughtful discussion and an engaged community. Your voice matters—be part of the conversation shaping our future.
Space is limited—Register now!